La Leche League of the Sunshine State
Annual Leader and Area Agreement
Part 1: Leader Agreement
As a La Leche League Leader of the Sunshine State I agree to:
· Do all that I can to promote good mothering through breastfeeding.
· Provide information about breastfeeding, not medical or legal advice.
· Keep confidential the personal and medical information of the mothers and children with whom I work (unless otherwise required by law).
· Strive to create a non-prejudicial, non-judgmental environment of respect in all LLL meetings and communications.
· Remain dedicated to the 10 concepts that are the foundation of La Leche League International.
· Maintain mutual accountability with the other Leaders in my Area by staying in contact via the Area Yahoo Group and/or regular meetings.
· Maintain good standing with the other Leaders in my Area and LLLI by reporting my LLL activity as required.
· Help mothers find out about leadership and prepare to become LLL Leaders.
· Stay financially current with dues, fees, and reports associated with being a Leader and managing a Group, if applicable.
· Connect with the appropriate support network if I choose to do projects beyond Group work or one-on-one helping.
· Stay current on breastfeeding information relevant to my work as a Leader.
· Never use my position as an LLL Leader to knowingly mix causes, promote or endorse personal viewpoints, or gain financially.
Further, I understand that:
· LLL of the Sunshine State and/or the Area Network to which it is connected will provide for all Leaders regular opportunities for and information about breastfeeding education, financial guidance, medical and legal information, Leader Accreditation Department services, and assistance with connecting to additional support networks as needed.
· LLLI is the sole source for accreditation of LLLI Leaders and that such accreditation is valid worldwide.
Part 2: Area Agreement
As a Leader in LLL of the Sunshine State, I will connect to the other Leaders in the Sunshine State Area and will expect the following:
1. After reporting my LLL activity as required, the compilation of these reports will be available on the LLL of the Sunshine State email list.
2. At least two Leaders will serve as the Sunshine State Area Representatives to the Area Network to which it is connected. Leaders will volunteer and be voted by a simple plurality of Leaders who participate. Area Representatives will attend Area Network Council Meetings, collect Area statistics, and inform Area Leaders of Area Network issues and decisions. They will represent the Sunshine State Area Leaders as a whole.
3. Issues concerning only Leaders of the Sunshine State will be addressed by consent decision-making of all the Leaders who respond to a request for input on the issue announced on the Area Yahoo Group.
4. LLL of the Sunshine State Area will have a treasury. The LLL of the Sunshine State Financial Department will collect and record our Group Financial Reports and provide financial information to the Sunshine State Leaders and Groups as well as transparency by publishing LLL of the Sunshine State financial reports on an annual basis on the Area Yahoo Group. We will make our financial and programmatic information available to LLLI by reporting as required by the Area Network to which we are connected or upon LLLI's request.
5. Direct support or information about support sources will come from LLL of the Sunshine State in collaboration with the Area Network to which it is connected.
6. A newly accredited Leader or a move-in Leader who is in good standing with her former Area can join the Sunshine State Area by agreeing to the above Leader Agreement.
7. A Leader can leave the Sunshine State Area by voluntary resignation for any reason by notifying either the Area or the Area Network to which it is connected in writing.
8. A Leader who is not fulfilling her Leader or Area Agreement may be removed from the Area after the following interventions have been implemented:
a. For Agreement compliance concerns within the Group purview, the Leader's Group co-Leaders will meet with her to seek resolution. If the concerns with Agreement compliance are outside the Group purview (e.g. Area business, lone Leader, or Leader with no Group affiliation), then the Leader(s) identifying the concerns will meet with her to seek resolution.
b. If they are unable to resolve the matter, the relevant Leader(s) will document their concerns in writing and submit them to the LLL of the Sunshine State Conflict Resolution Committee.
c. The Conflict Resolution Committee will communicate with the Leader to seek resolution, sharing with her a copy of the written document submitted by her co-Leaders or Area Leader and requesting her written response.
d. If resolution cannot be reached within ninety (90) days, the Conflict Resolution Committee will document its findings in writing, provide the Leader with a copy of the document, and report its recommendation for removal back to the Area.
e. The Leader's name will be removed from the Area Leader Database; the Area Network and LLLI will be notified that she is no longer in good standing with LLL of the Sunshine State.
f. The resolution period may be extended for an additional thirty (30) days by mutual consent of all parties.
9. This Agreement is available in the Sunshine State Area Yahoo Group files for review, discussion, and possible revision. Changes to this Agreement will be shared with other Areas in the Area Network to which it is connected.
10. Amendments may be proposed to this document by any Leader who wishes to initiate a discussion. An announcement of the proposed amendment will be sent to all Area Leaders. After thirty (30) days of discussion, approval of an amendment will be made by consent decision of those responding on the Area Yahoo Group.
11. I understand that, after review, I will demonstrate my recommitment to this Leader and Area Agreement each year when I send in my annual Leader Dues as required by LLL of the Sunshine State and/or the Area Network to which it is connected.
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